There are a range of map tiles available through Targomo. They can be added directly to a leaflet map through the addTargomoTiles() function, which wraps around leaflet::addTiles(). Adding these also requires an API key, which is picked up as usual from your TARGOMO_API_KEY environment variable (see setTargomoVariables() for information).

Available Basemaps

The full list of available basemap styles is given by targomoMapStyles():

#> basic
#> bright
#> dark
#> dark-nolabels
#> darkblue
#> darkblue-nolabels
#> gray
#> gray-nolabels
#> light
#> light-nolabels
#> lightblue
#> toner

These should be used with addTargomoTiles(), as in:

leaflet() %>% addTargomoTiles(style = "darkblue-nolabels", api_key = ...)


To see each basemap, change the layer visible on the map below: